Divine Service
May 17, 2026 @ 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Jesus gives us forgiveness, life, and salvation through Word and Sacrament ministry at the Divine Service every week on Sundays at Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church in Door County.

The Divine Service usually begins with the confession of our sins. After we confess our sins, the pastor proclaims Christ’s forgiveness to us in Holy Absolution.
The Divine Service continues with hearing God’s Word through readings from Scripture and a sermon. After receiving God’s Word, we express our faith in God through the recitation of a creed (a statement of our beliefs), the giving of offerings, and prayer.
Then, we receive Christ’s mercy through the Sacrament of the Altar (Holy Communion). This is a very holy observation, and we believe that Christ unites Himself to us both bodily and spiritually through it.
We welcome visitors to attend Divine Service at Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church.
Learn more about worship at Saint Peter’s.