Relevant, reverent, and Christ-focused Christian worship services serving communities in Door County, Kewaunee County, and Brown County, Wisconsin.
Worship is the center of our life at Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church. Worship is when God blesses us with His gifts, and we bless Him in return in prayer, praise, and thanksgiving.
Weekly Divine Service
We invite you to our central, weekly worship service every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM.

Worship is the highlight of my week. God works miracles in worship.
In worship, God comes to us to bless us. That alone is nothing short of a miracle.
Through worship, He takes away our sins and gives us Christ’s righteousness. That’s a miracle.
In this world, through worship God gives us eternal life – yet another miracle.
At worship, God changes our cold, dead hearts to beat with love for Him and others. He fills our foolish minds with wisdom from above. These, too, are miracles.
After God gives us all these blessings, we bless Him in return. We praise Him through hymns and songs. We thank Him for all His benefits. We honor Him with our offerings and thanksgiving.
As Saint Peter’s pastor, I’m called to lead the congregation in worship by sharing God’s gifts with them and leading them in their joyful response.
That’s why worship is the highlight of my week, and I encourage you to join us.
Christopher Jackson – Pastor
Worship Schedule & Location
Worship Schedule
Sunday Worship: 10:00 AM
Divine Service of Word and Sacrament
Wednesday Evening Services in Advent and Lent: 7:15 PM
Daily Office
Preceded by a meal at 6:15 PM
Special services on Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Ascension.
Check back for schedule
Street Address:
316 W. Main Street
Forestville, WI 54213
Mailing Address:
Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church
PO Box 85
Forestville, WI 54213
Worship at Saint Peter’s is Relevant
Worship at Saint Peter’s addresses our greatest everyday needs. Every day we need:
- Mercy and Forgiveness
- To know God
- Guidance for living
That’s what God gives at Saint Peter’s in every worship service. We sin often, so God gives His mercy at Saint Peter’s at every worship service. Our sin separates us from God, but God makes Himself known to us in His Word at Saint Peter’s. And, His Word helps us lead lives that honor Him.
Worship at Saint Peter’s is Reverent
God gives us extraordinary blessings at Saint Peter’s. That’s why the way we worship is not ordinary.
At Saint Peter’s, we follow set patterns of worship that originate from ancient times. We often call this “liturgy.” These patterns of worship keep us faithful to what matters in worship: God’s Word, prayer, praise, and thanksgiving.
Art that focuses our hearts and minds on God adorns our worship space.
The pastor wears vestments that remind us that God uses Him to bless us with His gifts.
Worship at Saint Peter’s is full of heart and presents the occasional surprise. We worship more formally than many churches, but that does not mean that our worship is rigid and heartless.
The pastor might say a joke during the sermon. Sometimes we use a theologically rich, congregationally-singable, and Christ-focused contemporary song. We use a little Spanish in some services because we are reaching out to the Hispanic community. We sing from our hearts at Saint Peter’s, because God has given us new hearts through His grace and mercy.
Even though the worship is formal, you are not required to wear formal clothes. You will see every type of dress at a Saint Peter’s service, from hoodies and jeans to suits.
Worship at Saint Peter’s is Christ-focussed
At many churches, you might go the entire service without hearing about Jesus Christ and the salvation He won for us on the cross. Not at Saint Peter’s.
Jesus is the center of every service at Saint Peter’s. We want people to know that they are God’s forgiven children through Jesus.
That’s why we talk about salvation in Christ in every sermon. Our songs and hymns always talk about Jesus and His mercy. Jesus is everything to us, so every service is about Jesus.