St. Peter’s has a long and rich history. God has blessed us through the hard work and concern for God’s Word shown by those who have come before us, who paved the way for our life together.
1862 – Rev. J. Brockmann of the Wisconsin Synod was sent to Algoma as a missionary pastor, and he organized what became St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Every fourteen days he would preach in the schoolhouse at Rankin, which would eventually become our sister congregation, St. John’s. Every eight weeks he would hold morning church services in the Forestville area.
March 10, 1867 – Reverend C.K. Keller of the Missouri Synod was called by congregation at Rankin, and he also served the Lutherans in the Forestville area. (Pastor Christopher Jackson received a scholarship from the descendants of Reverend Keller while at seminary.)
1869-1875 – The first church structure was built where the parsonage now stands. Records from this era are sparse, so greater specificity for a date for the construction of the church cannot be obtained. This building also functioned as the church day school. A record book of church acts was begun in 1874. It’s title page reads “Kirchen-Buch der Evang. Luth. St. Petri Gemeinde in Town Forrestville, Door County, Wisc., 1874.” The first act recorded was the baptism of Bertha Schlei, daughter od Julis and Henriette Schlei, on October 11, 1874.
1875 – St. Peter’s is officially founded with a total membership of 125, with 25 voting members. An agreement was entered with Emmanuel Congregation to jointly call Pastor August Doehler. At the time, Emmanuel was located about a mile west of the village of Forestville and has since moved to Kohlberg.
April 9, 1876 – St. Peter’s celebrates her first Rite of Confirmation, with 13 students.
1877- The congregation was received into membership of what would become The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, making it one of the oldest member congregations in Wisconsin.
1889 – Land was purchased for the cemetery. Reverend August Luebkemann became pastor. On December 13, a new, brick church was dedicated.
1892 – Emmanuel and St. Peter’s formally split.
November 22, 1903 – Reverend Gustav Berger installed as third pastor.
1904 – The first English service was held on the third Sunday after Trinity, though German continued to be the primary language of worship for quite some time. Construction of the current parsonage commenced.
1912 – A brick school building was built, still standing, west of the parsonage.
1913 – The first full-time school teacher was hired. Until this time, the pastor served as school teacher.
1917 – The Ladies Aid society was organized.
1922 – The congregation ordained three sons into Holy Ministry: Gustav Krueger, Allen Moore, and John Berger.
1923 – The congregation ordained two sons into Holy Ministry: Frank Zirbel and John Fisher.
January 31, 1926 – Reverend Rudolph Stuth installed as pastor.
1945 – It is decided to conduct German services only three times a year.
January 25, 1948 – Reverend Otto Zeeb installed as pastor.
December 11, 29149 – The current church building is dedicated.
December 18, 1949 – Reverend William G. Brockopp installed as pastor.
September 18, 1955 – Reverend Carl Ehrfurth installed as pastor.
November 29, 1961 – The first Lutheran Women’s Missionary League meeting was held.
1962 – Reverend Edward H. Gade becomes pastor.
1963 – The day school is closed.
January 26, 1969 – A new entrance and belltower are dedicated.
May 9, 1971 – Reverend Clarence Cizek is installed as pastor.
March 2, 1975 – Reverend Alfred Zutz installed as pastor.
1979 – The “Exalted Christ” mural is painted on the rear wall of the nave.
December 16, 1984 – Reverend David J. Luhrs is installed as pastor.
April 9, 1990 – Women given the right to vote.
2000 – Congregation holds 125 Anniversary Celebrations.
January 5, 2014 – Reverend Christopher D. Jackson installed as pastor.
June 2014 – Youth group conducts its first mission trip, to New York City.
2016 – Processional cross dedicated.