Youth Confirmation & Catechism Class at Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church in Door County is an intensive course of Christian education culminating in a personal confession of faith before the congregation.

What is Confirmation?
In the Lutheran Church, Confirmation is a church ceremony in which individuals confess their faith in the Triune God, their trust in Jesus, their desire to live as Christian, and their agreement with Lutheran doctrine as they have come to know it through the Small Catechism.
For many Lutheran churches, including Saint Peter’s, Confirmation is when individuals are admitted to the Lord’s Supper and become communing members of the congregation. Communing members also become voting members when they turn 18.
Confirmation is a solemn vow made to God and before the congregation. It is one of the high points in our life as a congregation and in the lives of our members.
At Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church, young people are typically confirmed at the end of their 8th-grade year, though sometimes we confirm young people a little before or a little after. Confirmation is not just for youth, however. We also confirm adults who desire to become communing members of the congregation.
The Rite of Confirmation is also an affirmation of the gifts God gives in Baptism. Therefore, those who are to be confirmed must have been baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. If your child is not yet baptized, we can also baptize him or her before Confirmation.
Confirmation is not graduation. It is not the end of a young person’s relationship with Saint Peter’s. Instead, Confirmation is the beginning of an even closer relationship with Saint Peter’s and all God’s people.
What is Catechism Class?
Catechism Class is a time of intensive study of basic Christian doctrine as it is presented in Luther’s Small Catechism. It covers the “6 Chief Parts of the Christian Faith,” including:
- The Ten Commandments
- The Apostles’ Creed
- The Lord’s Prayer
- Holy Baptism
- Confession and Absolution / Office of the Keys
- The Lord’s Supper
In addition to the Small Catechism, our Catechism Class also covers topics like the difference between Christianity and other religions, the difference between Lutheranism and other Christian confessions, and our Christian perspective on some contemporary issues.
Other Activities Associated with Catechism Class
In addition to attending Catechism Class, we expect our Catechism students to attend our Sunday School. They will also be assigned acolyte duty, which means that they will light candles and render other kinds of assistance during the service. We expect that they be in church often, and they will also have memory work from the Small Catechism and the Bible to complete.
Once a month, we also have Senior Youth Group after Catechism Class. Senior Youth Group is our ministry for youth ages 8-12th grade. 8th graders are invited to attend Senior Youth Group.
When is Catechism Class?
Catechism Class meets most Wednesday evenings, September – May.
When is Confirmation?
The Rite of Confirmation for youth is typically observed on the first or third Sunday in May.
Can Children of Non-members Take Catechism Class and Be Confirmed?
Yes. It has become relatively common for children of non-members to take Catechism Class and to get confirmed.
Of course, we would love for their parents to become members, and they often do. Also, parents should understand that children who get confirmed become members of Saint Peter’s and that we understand that we have responsibilities towards them, and they toward us.
How to Enroll in Catechism Class
If you would like to enroll your child into Catechism Class, please contact us, and we will get back to you with the details: 920-856-6420,