Christian Fellowship & Service

Showing God’s love to others through Christian Fellowship & Service.

Group of young people and adult chaperones showing off gift boxes they made for needy children.

Fellowship & Service Opportunities at St. Peter’s

Youth Group

St. Peter’s has an active youth ministry for 8th-12th Graders (in addition to Sunday School, VBS, and Catechism Class for younger students.) Youth take part in an annual summer trip — either a mission trip or the LCMS National Youth Gathering. Monthly meetings focus on fun, service, devotions, and prayer.

Group of young people
Lutheran Women in Mission logo

Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML)

St. Peter’s has an active Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML) society. All female members of St. Peter’s are automatically a part of Lutheran Women in Mission.

Lutheran Women in Mission is focused on empowering women to witness to Christ in their daily lives and to support missionary efforts around the world.

Ministerio Hispano / Hispanic Ministry

En la Iglesia Luterana San Pedro en Door County, nuestro Ministerio Hispano está dedicado a servir a la comunidad con amor y cuidado. Ofrecemos clases de inglés como segundo idioma (ESL) y servicios bilingües para garantizar que todos puedan participar plenamente en la adoración y la comunión, abrazando la diversidad de nuestra congregación.

At St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Door County, our Hispanic Ministry is dedicated to serving the community with love and care. We offer ESL classes and bilingual services to ensure that everyone can participate fully in worship and fellowship.

Group of ESL students
"Let women adorn themselves with good works." (1 Timothy 2:9-10)

Ladies’ Aid

Our Ladies’ Aid Society leads the congregation in acts of service to each other. Examples of this service include putting on funeral meals, writing our shut-ins, and organizing collections for those in need.


St. Peter’s operates a cemetery at 345 Gaede Road in Forestville, WI. Our cemetery is an expression of our Christian conviction of the Resurrection of the dead and of our love for all our brethren, both living and deceased.

The Foundation of Christian Fellowship & Service

Love of Christ

Early Church